1 I was allergic to the cold (under 40 degrees) for a week in 8th grade and broke out in hives until the dermatologist cleared it up.
2 My middle name is Francis.
3 I was in a Kiss cover band in 4th grade called the Cockroach band.
4 I've eaten a yogurt smoothie every day for breakfast for years.
5 I read magazines back to front frequently.
6 I was a National Merit Scholar.
7 That person in camouflage rollerblading up and down High Street is me.
8 I'd like to try acting soon.
9 I grew up in Clintonville and live near Hilltonia Park.
10 I never drink the remaining milk from a bowl of cereal. That would be barbaric -- the milk is like secondhand milk now. But I will just pour in more cereal.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
My brain is puffy with Learnin'!
Its like graduation for the Things from L&P University.
Most likely to succeed
Most likely to never get logged into again
Tie; Newslinks, LibraryThing
Most likely to waste my time
Youtube (in a fun way)
Most likely to succeed (late bloomer)
Tie; delicious, Netvibes
Most productive
I'm not done with the 23 things, we've only just been introduced. I was suprised that as a part timer I could keep pace, but y'know its a valid distraction for someone who closes alot. Now I get to fine tune and help other people along with the Things. Ciao.
Most likely to succeed
Most likely to never get logged into again
Tie; Newslinks, LibraryThing
Most likely to waste my time
Youtube (in a fun way)
Most likely to succeed (late bloomer)
Tie; delicious, Netvibes
Most productive
I'm not done with the 23 things, we've only just been introduced. I was suprised that as a part timer I could keep pace, but y'know its a valid distraction for someone who closes alot. Now I get to fine tune and help other people along with the Things. Ciao.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I tried to download a documentary about caves, Journey into Amazing Caves, because I am a caver. Problems popped up with the Digital Rights Management, and it ground to a halt, but I can see students using it to read a book for class that they don't want to buy and is unavailable at the library. The book download is going better. Colors That Sell looks like fun. Adios amigos. No como la nieve amarilla.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Close enough
Let's try this. Let's just link the video..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYvh1csC3jg. There! Very entertaining!
Youtube is alot of fun. In fact, its so fun, I've assembled a short list of favorites from memory to link, and I just trumped up this blog to have a place to link 'em to. I think I registered last year, but I haven't heard back about my "I forgot my usrename" request. Look at the 'MEOWARCHY' series of videos for now.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Power Tools 'thing' had some fun points. I like Tech Crunch alot, and Boing Boing and MAKE are kinda neat, and WorldCat is a valuable customer service tool. Eventually, I'll take the useful elements and patch them into my delicious tags and Netvibes start page and whatnot. Then I never need to navigate to the Power Tools page. Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. (evil laughter continues, and so forth)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Dashboard 2.0
I opted to sign up for a start page that got 1st in category called Netvibes.com. i can use it to have onscreen all the RSS feeds, websites, weather and news info, to do lists, calendars and just about anything I might need all tiled out and accessible, which is great. The next thing will be to set up the layout, and then, since I ran through some of the "things" quickly in the interest of checking it off the list, I can go back and look around some more. Its like having all your web 2.0 favorites on a dashboard.
Monday, October 13, 2008
This Google docs "thing" is really impressive. I'd like to use it to put together an investment club. Who's interested? "We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful." - Warren Buffet.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I've got 3 hours straight on the floor, and I've got Thing 16 under my belt, so the rest is gravy. It took me most of an hour and a half, but once you find the sandbox (hint: search for 'sandbox, click 'read the full post') it went smoothly. The demo http://pbwiki.com/content/viewdemo is as good (almost) as the CommonCraft ones. I've already weighed in on the excellence of wikis' reduction of redundancy, and it was refreshing to find it all manageably intuitive in real life.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A one-time supervisor tried to rope librarians into using wikis a year and a half ago, and it was about as popular as leprosy. But you watch the Common Craft video (great as usual) and you can't deny how useful it is. Its exciting and I'll definitely explore more fully when time allows. I wasn't sold on the specific wikis linked -- a couple were thin on content.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Web 2.0
Totally agree with Rick Anderson particularly about the importance of user education. The public training can't expand fast enough in this environment. To Michael Stevens idea that "new technologies are not implemented for the sake of coolness and status" and that we're not in the techno-worship business I would add that a little carrot of coolness and status has to be a recognized part of the marketing of libraries. The coolness/status experience sought by many of the Web users at my location, particularly in the microcosm of social networking, is what keeps the butts in the seats.
Tagging -- what's not to like?
The otter podcast pales in comparison to the Customcraft thing. I'll need another hour or two to totally get it, but I like what I've seen of del.icio.us so far. Its something library patrons could use on the shared public PCs but probably don't know about.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Extra pistachio please!
Library Thing is one of my favorite Things so far. I loves me some books! I hope they figure out how to pick, say, 4 books on my list and see who else may have the same 4 books (among others) in their collection. I just finished reading a book by Richard Florida that is a response to The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman, and asserts that place is increasingly important in the creative class. T.F. argued that place is passe in the 21st century.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
No Comment
The http://www.librarian.net/ site left me flat. I'd have to be in a really excited state to glom onto the contents -- if I'm going to talk about the profession, I'd much prefer conversation.
This post deals with Thing 8, only 3 weeks after the fact. The CommonCraft video is a major help, but this site never floated my boat particularly. I'm just not online enough to make this or the suggested sites pay off from an time-efficiency standpoint, and it doesn't have an inherent "neat" thing for me.
I goofed and pasted all sorts of off-task URLs in my L&P deal, so I'm retroactively blogging about the time I began my "L&P journey". I didn't entertain the idea that I'd win anything, but it seemed I'd have alot of company on what has become grueling from time to time. Read "The Long Walk" by Stephen King.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Oh the Irony
Wanna know a secret? I'm going on vacation in 3 days and not only won't I be online every day, I won't even sleep under a roof for most of a week while I hike Pictured Rocks in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. So from the perspective of someone who won't even be indoors, much less blogging, Twitter so intensifies the frequency of feedback as to be comical. Here's my Tweet setup http://twitter.com/VillageIdiocy. Gotta go!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Horseshoes and Hand Grenades
http://windowseat.ca/viscosity/create.php Very fun. Not as many portrait-, and way too many font-related sites, and so many generally that I began to bog down checking them out when half ended in file format incompatability or issues with finding pictures on or saving work to a shared computer. This I like though. Here's the drawing itself http://windowseat.ca/viscosity/drawing.php?id=22329
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I could spend hours looking at all these 3rd party apps but the ones I've glommed onto -- Bubblr, Loopy, Flickeur -- are all similar. The thing that interest me is the way that sequenced images demand the construction of some narrative meaning. Technology really has human importance in proportion to its capability to tell stories, and Flickeur especially has potential for a sort of neat absurdist approach.
Friday, August 29, 2008
I'll take the cake, you can keep the machine

My inner Luddite thrills to this sort of image, especially when it took a ?#^!x* hour to cobble this post together. I had an Intellivision as a kid, and shied away from subsequent gaming machines as their buttons multiplied and their rapid advancement became an expensive status-driven arms race. The Wii is the first system I could see myself buying because involves physicality in a way that cuts through all that. The irony with all new technology for me is that I pick it up in such an inefficient manner it remains a time-waster for a very long time initially. A customer last week asked me as he toiled away at his resume where I learned computers, and I could've laughed or cried. Its just learning curve after learning curve if you're doing it right.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Piece of cake vs rocket science
My confidence as a learner is rocket science for me, particularly in certain contexts. I have no problem with learning in the traditional academic sense, but behavior skills that require modeling others can clash with my contrarian streak. Play on the other hand is a piece of cake. Some days I do little else.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Creating this profile drained all my cleverness for the day. I'll have to post again when I've reagain my strength.
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